West Lothian, located at the heart of Central Scotland, sits astride the M8 and M9 motorways, halfway between the cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
It is in many respects, a district of great diversity. The Bathgate Hills, which divide the North from the South, divide good low lying agricultural land from high moorland rich in minerals. Its population of around 140,000 is to be found in both small, rural villages and large industrial towns throughout the area.
In its entirety, however, West Lothian has over the centuries played a crucial role in Scotland’s history with Linlithgow Palace being the home of Kings and the birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots, and in the 19th century James Paraffin Young founded the world’s oil industry in West Lothian. This historic past provides the basis for the district’s tourism.
Coal has been mined on an industrial scale since early 18th century, initially where it occurred in association with ironstone around Benhar and Breich. Increased demand and technical innovation in the Victorian period greatly expanded the industry as deeper and thinner seams were exploited, and influx of population, especially from Ireland and England and other mining areas was the result.
A number of modern settlements were established or expanded from pre-existing hamlets and at its peak the industry employed around 8,000 people.
If you ever visit West Lothian, why not retrace the footsteps of some of Scotland’s most famous romantic characters and pioneers of innovations:-