Ancestry's launch of WW1 Pension Ledgers (1914-1923)

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Ancestry's launch of WW1 Pension Ledgers (1914-1923)

Post by rhona »

Today Ancestry have launched the WWI Pension Ledgers (1914-1923) - a new WWI collection from The Western Front Association that provides the pension details of military and military-related personnel who, if injured or killed, filed for a pension after WWI. The collection includes both Naval Ledgers and Merchant Marine Cards.
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Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:50 am

Re: Ancestry's launch of WW1 Pension Ledgers (1914-1923)

Post by AllanMc134 »

Unfortunately, you can only actually see these records on Fold 3,an American company owned by Ancestry. You would need to start a new account with Fold 3. The best thing to do is to wait until they have free weekends.


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