FHF Really Useful Family History Show 2021

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FHF Really Useful Family History Show 2021

Post by DianaG376 »

If you’re interested in family history [and you must be if you’re on this website] then I would like to flag up an upcoming event where you’ll get lots of help and information, whether you’re new to family history or you’ve been doing it for years. You may even be able to break down a brick wall or two.

I attended the last Family History Federation’s Really Useful Family History Show on 14 November 2020 and I’d like to flag up their next virtual online event which will take place on 10 April 2021. And no, they’re not paying me to do this so why am I telling you about it? Because unlike the usual Family History Show there are many pros and few cons:

1. It’s much cheaper than you would pay to attend a Family History Show physically - up until 31 January 2021 tickets cost £7.50, then it’s £10.
2. There are no travel costs, no overnight hotel bills and no meal costs.
3. You can watch EVERY talk, either live or later on. I consider this the best perk - I watched the talk I thought would be completely useless to me last and then found it was actually the most informative and useful.
4. No matter where you’re living in the world you can attend, and even if the live time doesn’t fit in with your time zone you can still watch all of the talks and take part. And it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to be there. Though the event only takes place on one day the talks and support will be there for a few days afterwards – and last time they extended the number of days you could watch the talks.
5. If you’re not watching live you can pause to make notes without missing anything. If you’re watching a live talk you can go back later if you want to make notes.
6. You can ask questions online and someone will get back to you. You can also ask a question before a live talk and it may be answered there and then by the person giving the talk.

Google “tickets fhf really useful roadshow 2021” or here’s the useful stuff:

Organizer Family History Federation
Email admin@familyhistoryfederation.com
Website https://www.familyhistoryfederation.com/
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